On-site analysis : construction sites

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On-site analysis : construction sites

Ose Industries

OSE Services: Your Essential Ally for analyzes as close as possible to your construction sites

When every detail counts in your construction and renovation projects, OSE Services stands out as a custom physico-chemical analysis laboratory, offering essential services for pre-work diagnosis and resolution of disputes on construction sites🏚️.


Equipped with cutting-edge portable analysis devices, we support you at every stage of your project.


  • Diagnosis before work: The key to a successful renovation lies in a thorough understanding of the existing materials. OSE Services excels in the characterization of paints, metallic materials, and floor coverings before the start of work. Our detailed analyzes help you anticipate possible challenges and material compatibility, thus guaranteeing effective interventions and results that meet your expectations.


  • Intervention in the event of Disputes: Disputes on construction sites can arise at any time, jeopardizing the progress and success of the project. OSE Services positions itself as your trusted partner to resolve disputes through precise analyses. In the event of disagreements regarding the quality of materials or compliance with standards, our experts intervene quickly to provide clarifications based on reliable scientific data.


At OSE Services, we understand the importance of prevention and proactive resolution of problems on construction sites 🚧. Our portable analysis devices allow us to intervene quickly, whether to establish a preliminary diagnosis or to resolve possible disputes, thus ensuring the continuity and success of your projects.


Make OSE Services your trusted partner for pre-work analyses, resolution of disputes on construction sites, and a complete approach for the success of your projects.


Contact us today to find out how we can enhance the quality and success of your projects.

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